January, 2022
The fabulous crew behind CHARLOTTE BEYOND THE PATH recently went on a bucket-list trip to
Scandinavia. Keep on reading about the adventures of Oliver and Daniela and their pawed
sidekick Maxi, and what unexpected addition to their tires ended up making their trip so smooth!
— How come you decided to take a trip to Scandinavia?
D&O: We were craving solitude, an open wide landscape in front of us, and empty roads. We truly wanted to immerse in nature and have some time in peace and quiet. And we wanted to have some fun in the snow!

There was a kind of bucket list, and it included to see the northern lights, dog sledding, whale watching, getting a good view of some reindeer and star gazing without any distractions. We made the whole list, and our expectations were truly exceeded, it’s beyond words!
— Did you plan the route in detail before you left?
D&O: We usually don't create a detailed plan and we mostly don't even make any travel plans. My grandma always said that if you want to make god laugh, make plans. What she meant by that was, that things usually turn out differently than you think, and I believe she is absolutely right about that. This also applies to travel: simply let nature guide you, i.e. you choose the best season to be somewhere or catch natural phenomena. The whales can only be seen for a very short time in northern Norway, for example. And since recently, one must also consider the restrictions around the pandemic.
— Was the preparation different from previous trips?
D&O: Since we were traveling within Europe, we didn’t specifically prepare anything, aside from making sure to pack extra warm and waterproof clothing, and of course snow chains for Charlotte!
— What major challenges did the sub-zero temperatures bring with them, for you both, for your dog Maxi, and for the truck? And what else can you share about your experience on the road?
D&O: First off, the sub-zero temperatures didn't feel that bad at all. However we "only" experienced minus 20 degrees. Our dog Maxi wore snowshoes whenever she went out, and so did we. That is how we enjoyed the winter wonderland every day.

The driving itself was very demanding, chapeau to Oliver for honing his driving skills! In Norway, the roads are sometimes very narrow. The roads are busy and traffic goes fast. Some trucks seemingly race along the narrow, icy serpentines at breakneck speed, without even slowing down a bit.

That cost us one of our side mirrors on and left us quite shaken for a while. We also found that Norway is completely different from Sweden or Finland. It’s very relaxed there in general.

We also found they don’t use salt on the roads, they just push the snow to clear the roads. There are fewer turns, wider roads, the country is flat and there are far fewer vehicles on the road. Without spikes, which we spontaneously added in Tromsö, we would certainly not have experienced the trip as relaxed.

In general it was very cozy in the truck! Thanks to the floor heating it was never cold! Some of our amazing friends gifted us a tiny Christmas tree with colourful lights, so the interior had quite the Christmas feel to it during the holidays!
— What were the best moments while travelling?
D&O: We can’t pinpoint any specific wow moments, the whole trip itself was simply one of the best experiences we ever had! Stand-out memories are the hauntingly beautiful dancing northern lights, the killer whales and humpback whales that we could witness hunting just an arms length away and the dog sled ride through a snowy Finnish forest, which seemed straight out of fairy tale.

The North Cape stunned us with a strange apocalyptic feeling, because there was nobody else there... as if we actually were alone ... the only people near and far.
Vivid memories remain from reindeers who didn’t let themselves be disturbed at all, and a whole herd might hang out and block the road for a while.

And best of all, we encountered warm-hearted people everywhere we stopped, simply magical meetings of like minded souls!

We are hooked and will definitely make our way north again for another Scandinavian tour sometime soon!
— Where are you going next?
D&O: Where and when... we don't know yet, since we don't make any plans!
Talk to us about all things travel to sub zero temperatures, and also get your fix of snow chains from KRUG EXPEDITION, just ask about them!

Experience Charlotte in action making her way up to Dachstein glacier near Schladming in Austria once upon a time on a sunny afternoon in fall - did you catch the travel bug yet?
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